• Marija Trajchevska Macedonian
  • Emilija Boshkovska



Introduction: Psychosocial climate is a general term for set a term of variant types and degrees of relationships in a given social climate. The construct of a psychosocial climate contains number of a different dimensions, according to which two or more formally similar environments are different in experience with their members. Favorable psychosocial climate in schools is a condition for effective study, and at the same time better education quality. From the multitude of components or dimensions of the climate in education, we will list a few of them which greatly influence the student`s results and their achievements, which are: clear rules, competition, teachers support, connection, teachers control, order and organization. As known forms of psychosocial behavior of the students stand out Aggressive and Prosocial behavior.

GOAL: To determine if it exists relationship between different dimensions of psychosocial climate in the classroom (clear rules, competition, teacher support, connections, teachers’ control, and order and organization) with the prosocial and aggressive behavior of the students.

Materials and methods: The research was made in the Prime School Nikola Karev in Kochani. Respondents are participants of primary education. Inclusion criteria are: students must be on age of 12-13 (eight class), age corresponding to the age for which the questionnaires are intended.

Exclusion criteria include children who have not attended classes for an extended period of time. Are included 3 classes with total 72 respondents.

Results:Relative to the arithmetic mean dimensions clear rules (M=15.63), teachers support (M=36.49), connection (M=33.61), teachers control (M=28.47), order and organization (M=28.49) are solid approved by the students. On the contrary, competition as a dimension, with arithmetical mean (M=14.76), it is less represented in the class than the other dimensions. As can be seen from the standard deviation, the dimension of teacher support has more fragmentation of the scores (SD=8.36), unlike dimension competition which shows less fragmentation of the scores (SD=3.03). The results showed that the prosocial behavior (M=31.06) is more presented among students, which means that they are prepared for collaboration with their classmates, unlike the aggressive behavior (M=22.97) which is less presented. In relation to standard deviation, the aggressive behavior has more fragmentation of the scores (SD=8.78), unlike the prosocial behavior where can be seen less fragmentation of the scores (SD=8.48). It can be seen that there is a positive connection significant on level.

How to Cite
TRAJCHEVSKA, Marija; BOSHKOVSKA, Emilija. THE IMPACT OF PSYCHOSOCIAL CLIMATE IN EDUCATION ON AGGRESSIVE AND PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF THE STUDENTS. Journal of Morphological Sciences, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 89-94, dec. 2019. ISSN 2545-4706. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 mar. 2025.