• Pavle Gjorgjievski Department of Oral Surgery , Goce Delcev University in Stip, North Macedonia
  • Kiro Papakoca Faculty of Medical Sciences, Goce Delcev University in Stip, North Macedonia
  • Mirjana Markovska Arsovska Faculty of Medical Sciences `Goce Delcev University in Stip, North Macedonia
  • Cena Dimova Faculty of Medical Sciences, Goce Delcev University in Stip, North Macedonia
  • Simona Temelkova PZU``Dr. Snezana Temelkova``, North Macedonia
  • Elizabeta Chadikovska Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia


Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a bone graft procedure that uses a covering barrier membrane to block soft tissue invasion. Bone reconstruction for implant placement and for preparation for prosthetic restorations  varies in numerous techniques and materials, each of them bringing advantages and specific qualities for different types of bone defects. The case report present an efficient method of GBR by sticky bone which is obtained by mixing PRF and bone graft together supported by PRF membrane. During the regular controls, no big swelling was seen, the patient did not complain of pain. The postoperative course was without complications.

Keywords: PRF, guided bone regeneration, bone defect, sticky bone, PRF membrane


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How to Cite
GJORGJIEVSKI, Pavle et al. GUIDED BONE REGENERATION IN RECONSTRUCTION OF BONE DEFECTS. Journal of Morphological Sciences, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 198-201, may 2024. ISSN 2545-4706. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 apr. 2025.
Case Report